Original Mixed MediaCar

Sold & Shipped by Morgan Kendall

Original Mixed MediaCar

Sold & Shipped by Morgan Kendall

A beautifully textural and layered piece, this collage combines drawing, painting, and found paper with fabric to create a dynamic and complex mixed media artwork.

-original artwork on thick card stock
-signed by artist in pencil

collage - 8" x 8"

Morgan has been an artist for over 20 years and worked in a variety of mediums along the way. Her first love was collage as it combines many of these different media into one layered piece. Her work is often influenced by the past and she includes many pieces of personal and familial ephemera in her collages.

Artwork ships from Portland, OR

Product Specifications

Length: 8 in.
Height: 1 in.
Width: 8 in.
Weight: 1 lbs.

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